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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

GE Healthcare's Cutting-Edge PET Technology

GEHealthcare, a leading global provider of transformational medical technologies and services to meet the demand for increased access, enhanced quality and more affordable healthcare around the world, recently announced that its Discovery* PET/CT 690 and PET VCAR 2.0 were used by Professor Patrick Flamen of the Institut Jules Bordet in Brussels in capturing the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2013 "Image of the Year."

Professor Flamen's winning scan illustrated the effectiveness of radium-223 dichloride in treating bone metastases in breast cancer patients with bone-dominant disease. It was selected as the winning image from more than 2,000 studies.

SNMMI said it "chooses an image that exemplifies the most cutting-edge nuclear medicine or molecular imaging research today and that demonstrates the ability of molecular imaging to detect, diagnose and treat disease and help select the most appropriate therapy."

The GE Discovery PET/CT 690 is specially designed for speed, efficiency, and PET quantification accuracy. From short exam times through optimized sensitivity system design and comprehensive imaging protocols, the Discovery PET/CT 690 is the first platform focusing on quantification accuracy without compromise by providing intelligent PET and CT iterative reconstruction, respiratory motion management solutions, and integrated PET calibration technologies. PET VCAR 2.0 is the latest visualization and analytical monitoring solution featuring both PERCIST and EORTC standards helping physicians in assessing disease progression or response to therapy.

Another of GE Healthcare world-class imaging technology is its GE Healthcare Discovery PET/CT 710, which Helen Keller Hospital has recently acquired. The unit features 64 slice imaging capabilities and is designed to comfortably accommodate larger individuals. The PET/CT 710 combines the anatomical information from the CT and functional information from the PET to create a combined image during one scan.

The PET/CT 710 allows clinicians to monitor progress and fine tune treatment plans. The advantage for physicians is the ability to more accurately differentiate between benign and malignant tumors. Due to precise imaging capabilities, surgeons have the ability to determine the exact location to perform an invasive procedure. Radiation oncologists can pinpoint radiation fields to the degree that treatment reaches all the cancer cells with minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
Doug Arnold, Helen Keller Hospital president and CEO, said “We are thrilled to bring this state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment tool to the Shoals. The capabilities of the PET/CT 710 far surpass any currently in Northwest Alabama and will allow our patients to stay close to home.”
Such is GE Healthcare's commitment to providing the best lifecare solutions helping medical professionals deliver great, affordable healthcare to their patients.


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